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Reminder to all healers out there: We just need to SHOW UP.

The story of how I found Rahelio quickly became one of the most popular posts I’ve had on Instagram. The Universe aligned our encounter. One of the first days I was in Sedona, during Meditation, he was shown to me. A voice in my mind said, “As soon as you see him, talk to him.” I didn’t pay much attention to it.

Few days later we were at a restaurant having dinner and he walked in. I was completely shocked to see the same guy walk in, the one I saw in meditation. I was shocked of how accurate the image shown to me was. I didn’t find the courage to go talk to him, it was just WAY too awkward to approach him without anything to say. He left and I felt disappointed in myself. I figured if it was truly meant to be, it would find a way of happening, our encounter. 

I took a day off to retrieve to the Top of Bell Rock mountain and during that day, my sister asked around for a good shamanic healer. She received only a name, Rahelio. She researched and found his information and even a picture she saved for me. 

When I saw the picture, it was the same guy. Rahelio was that guy I saw in Meditation and my sister had booked an appointment for the next day, without me knowing anything about it. This caught the attention of many people on my feed and they kept asking me how did it go. So here it is.. 

I had been struggling for some time with a very profound fear of stepping into my full power. Things that happened to me this last year made feel very confused and fearful of trusting authoritative figures.  

I have been struggling to find a balance with Shamanism and how to honor it’s ancient roots as I bring it forth to a completely new world. My confusion was delaying many projects and I felt so much fear of taking a bad decision or doing a “wrong move”. As if I had that kind of control over what the Universe uses me for. 

Rahelio is very well known in Sedona which is a land FILLED with healers. To be noticed amongst all of them says a lot of how many people respect his work. His prices are fair, but expensive to some. They made perfect sense to me. Considering these factors I expected a very profound healing experience, like the ones I was taught to do which usually lasted from an hour to three hours of clearing.

His therapy was very simple, using techniques from Hawaiian Shamanism as well as Native American. He mixed and match the techniques as he pleased, he flowed with no fear of being “wrong”. I realised how I was taught to fear making a mistake.

My ego was all over the place telling me how the therapies I do are so much more profound and how I was led to believe I didn’t knew what I was doing by people in my past, taking so much of my power away. I realised, it’s NOT about what you do. It’s not about the effort you put in.

Rahelio’s therapy was incredibly simple and basic yet it healed me more profoundly that all the extensive techniques I know of and that made me understand that… the Universe will take you to whoever you need to receive guidance from. As a new healer, I am relieved because I understand now I do not need a person guiding my every step or giving me permission to do anything. 

My healing experience didn’t come from the therapy itself, it came from the realisation that no one can tell you what to do or not to do, if you follow your heart and even do simple techniques, those simple techniques will change the life of the person the Universe attracts to you.

It healed all the fears, blocks and limiting beliefs I had been entertaining this year. It finally made me understand we JUST NEED TO SHOW UP. That’s it. We don’t even need that much guidance, protocol and formality as a healer. Just show up with good intentions and you WILL be guided. Trust that guidance and understand that maybe the healing you offer comes from who you are instead of what you are doing. 

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