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Sherina Mayani

Master Business Coach, Panama City

My experience with this healing therapy with Katie has been life changing. I have done two and each time my life totally changes and shifts. These shifts were shifts with my emotional life. I was feeling better with myself, my family and friends. I was able to see things in a way I never used to before. The healing also helped me forgive people I was holding resentment towards and this resentment wasn’t allowing me to move forward in my life and business.

After this healing I have been experiencing lot’s of travel, I have been able to travel to London, Sydney, Paris and Miami. My coaching business also started to grow in an amazing manner. I was getting new clients from all over the world and I was able to serve them in a better way. I recommend this healing to anyone that is feeling called towards it. If you are feeling called it is for a reason. Follow that!


Jennifer Valverde

Berlin, Germany

I’ve had three healing therapies with Katie Mclaughlin and I honestly don’t believe I can find enough words to describe how incredibly life-changing and powerful these can be. The big shifts that have happened in my life following the therapies are immense and pretty tangible but I think the most mind-blowing of them all is how peaceful and calm you feel after all the information settles in. During and after these therapies, I could finally understand some very underlying and deep fears I had no idea that even existed and I could overcome some self-sabotage patterns that had been running around my head for a while.

Anita Prieto

Panama City, Panama

My experience in healing therapy was incredible. It had inmediate results, way quicker than I had expected. Before the therapy I was very confused and unable to reach important decisions affecting my life at that time. I feel it helped me set free from negative and hidden experinces that I was accumulating thorough my whole life. In liberating me from those bad energies that had hindered me.

Katie made me feel so confortable that I liberated myself in a way I never imagined. I could see and feel more than the normal and when I left the studio I felt like I was floating due to the wellness I experienced. I was able to feel increbible sensations and to this day sun I am seen results.

Thanks Katie, you are the best!

Cristina Collazos,

Ciudad de Panamá, Panamá

“Katie ha marcado un antes y un después a lo largo de mi proceso personal de transformación. Desde que comenzamos con las terapias, he podido ver cambios super positivos que fueron más que obvios para mi. He logrado superar una relación que no era buena para mi, recuperar la confianza en mi misma de maneras impresionantes y al final, sentirme presente y en paz con mi vida. Katie ha sido una gran parte del cambio que he creado y me encanta lo dulces y armoniosas que son sus sesiones, siempre te dedica toda su atención. A los que están buscando romper las ataduras con su pasado y enfocarse en su relación consigo mismo, les recomiendo 150% trabajar con Katie.”


Ciudad de Panamá, Panamá

“He recibido varias terapias de Katie y en cada una de ellas, sin excepción, he encontrado lo que necesito para navegar mi realidad y mi vida en el momento. Katie siempre ha sido sumamente comprensiva y cualquier pregunta que pueda tener, me la ha contestado con gran detalle. Siento que Katie tiene un don y me alegra saber que puede compartirlo con el mundo.”


Danilo Tambone

“Amazing Path to a Transformative Journey”
I’ve just completed the first pass of the course material, and I can only say that this course… is Amazing!

Katie has packed it with Heaps of Love and Passion, and she shares her experience as a Healer and Yoga Teacher as she guides you through a deeper understanding of your personal journey.

Be prepared for a transformative shift in yourself and to let go of all the loads you may have unnecessarily taken with you so far!
Katie’s voice is velvet, and Intuition and Wisdom flow from her words as only an Ancient Soul in a Young Being can do.

I especially love the final speech, which is a meditation in itself. It touches so many aspects, that in my opinion, it deserves to be played again and again at time intervals (2/4 weeks) to check how far you’ve arrived.

Take your time to let the material flow through yourself, get familiar with it, and let it become your new dimension: Freedom, Determination, Divine Co-creation.

Let it be Love. No Gurus here… just a sacred space where to share human experiences in divine consciousness. Thank you Katie! 🙂

Alessandra Moreno


Katie’s voice is soothing and inspiring!
I am very happy I decided to take this course, Katie is very knowledgeable, caring and inspiring! What I love about it is that she genuinely guides you along the magical path of following your dharma, your real mission in life, without judging you for who you were or are. I believe it to be life changing!

Sincerely, Dr Gartner

Vienna, Austria

“Essential Impulses easy to understand for everyone …”
First of all – I am very impressed. Spending the last decade on learning and reading about how to improve my life and the quality that comes with it – Katie Mc Laughlin makes it look easy. Many important topics to feeling more alive and changing what is not working for somebody are being covered and simple positive steps to moving forward are being taught. This is an amazing course for anyone who is willing to step out of the comfort zone and change his or her days for the better. I am certain that results will prove it – thanks for the guidance at the right time.

Monique Sanchiz


“Katie is a great teacher with tons of spiritual insights, not to mention a powerful energy healer.”
She knows how intentions work and you can just tell she has a great relationship with the universe in general. Her life, attitude and the results she manifests are all proof of that. This course promises to be life-changing, and I strongly recommend it to anyone who feels they are stuck in a rut and ready for a change. The course actually came to me in a moment I needed it the most. I feel ready to apply these spiritual principles that Katie understands and implements, in my own life, and am more than ready to start Manifesting Magic 🙂

Gwendolyn Stephenson


“Un cambio interior tangible y verdadero. Un regalo para toda la vida”
Estas sesiones me han ayudado a desarrollar claridad de pensamiento y encontrar la paz interior con herramientas sencillas! Ya son parte de mis prácticas diarias. Es una bendición que me ayuda a alejar los sucesos innecesarios que ocurren durante el dia. Me deja fresca para los nuevos desafíos de los días por venir.


Vittorio Brunetti


“This incredible journey (Shamanic Expedition to Peru) represents a special path placed upon you to discover and enrich your soul and body through contact with outstanding landscapes and sacred sites. Amazing experience.

Ely Ann Cowes

Panama City, Panama

I had never been to a yoga retreat before, and I was particularly excited about this one for many reasons. For starters, Katie, the instructor, is amazing at teaching yoga and her spirituality radiates positive vibes, which is exactly what this retreat gave me: a chance to enhance my yoga practice and awaken my spiritual curiosity.

As for the location, we stayed at quite a simple hostel with one of the most stunning views I have ever seen, with a deck overlooking the ocean. Aside from the connection to nature one feels in this beautiful place, one of the things I am most grateful for is the group I got to share this experience with. It truly felt like we were all connected, and through sharing stories, rooms, surf lessons, yoga classes, and delicious meals, the feeling of interconnection and love only grew.

I feel blessed I had this opportunity and if this experience is only a preview of what is to come, I will doubtlessly be joining all the retreats I possibly can.


Jannia Tovio

Ciudad de Panamá

“El curso de Tarot es excelente para obtener visión y cambiar la manera de ver situaciones habituales por las que pasa todo ser humano. Los arcanos mayores, las cartas que se estudian en el nivel 1 cuentan “el camino del heroe” o “hero’s journey” y cómo cada situación puede llevarnos al autoconocimiento. Es excelente para conocerte mejor y conectar contigo mismo y con tu intuición.”


Arlette Aguilar

Ciudad de Panamá

“Es una oportunidad para quienes esten interesados en este tema de acercarse, aprender y compartir una experiencia enriquecedora y ver lo que realmente comprende el mundo del Tarot y la relación tan maravillosa que guarda con otras ciencias. Muy pero muy interesante.”

“Para mi éste curso de Tarot fue una experiencia de felicidad y tranquilidad. Me sentí muy bien conmigo misma. Ha sido cómo un reencuentro conmigo misma y con las cosas que me gustan. Katie transmite mucha paz hasta con su manera de hablar. Me parece que ir por los 3 niveles es lo ideal, es mucha información y no se puede dar todo junto. Me parece super cool el taller.”


Diego Losano

Ciudad de Panamá

“Veo el Tarot como una herramienta para poner en palabras energías que están a nuestro alrededor y que influyen de cierta forma en el desarrollo de nuestras vidas. Hacer el curso de Lectura de Tarot con Katie fue una experiencia muy enriquecedora.

La forma en que está estructurado el curso hace que el conocimiento sea muy fácil de asimilar y poner en práctica. Recomiendo iniciarse en este mundo fascinante de la mano de Katie.”


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