“Stop Hiding and Go Big! – Get Inspired and Discover what you are Capable Of!”


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Go from Entrepreneurial Wallflower to Boldly Sharing Your Message 

If you’ve ever felt like you weren’t smart, attractive or “good” enough to truly play big in your business, read on.

Slow that scroll and lean in close, my friend…

You need to show up to get clients.

And you need to show up confidently, regardless of your current or past circumstances.

And in order to do that, you have truly (madly, deeply) believe that you deserve to be seen, heard and celebrated (and paid!), just as you are.

Sound like just the cushy mindset upgrade you’d love to experience?

Then you’re in the right place. 

If you’ve ever…

…chickened out and didn’t publish a spicy Instagram post because you didn’t love the way your nose (or grey hair) looked on camera…

…turned down a guest expert spot on a webinar because you’re insecure about your accent or voice (either literally or figuratively)…

…worried that someone “like you” can’t make a significant impact in the world or that big success is for “other people” (read: smarter, more attractive people born into the ‘right’ families)…

…or kept success at bay in any way out of the fear of being seen, heard or even celebrated (yep, even that can feel crazy-uncomfortable!)…

…I’m about to share something with you that can help you alt+control+delete the above scenarios from your entrepreneurial life forever.

Don’t get me wrong: I get it. It can feel intimidating, vulnerable and downright scary to show up unfiltered in our businesses.

Whether “showing up” is as simple as doing an IG Live without a filter (eek!) or as audacious as boldly claiming your expertise on a live stage in front of thousands in a vibrant red sequined dress, showing up in ANY form is a big deal.

Showing up open us up to criticism, setbacks and challenges.

On the flip side? Successful entrepreneurship requires boatloads of it–especially if you’re a coach, solopreneur or personal brand.

It requires posting your opinions & insights on social media when you’d rather hide under the covers (or at least behind a quote from somebody else).

It requires peeling yourself off the couch (and away from your latest Netflix binge) to host that webinar you promised your audience–even if you’re not loving your latest haircut (or never liked the sound of your voice on camera).

It requires stepping into the spotlight to share your story, your face, your voice–all of it. (And it requires doing it despite fears that you’re not good enough, pretty enough or smart enough.)



You Do NOT Have to Look, Speak, Act or “Be” Perfect to Create a Wildly Successful Business & Life You Adore!


8 Inspiring People Who Will Convince You to Stop Hiding & Go Big

Inside this eye-opening training, you’ll get a behind-the-scenes look at the inspirational stories of eight world-changing influencers who turned seemingly impossible circumstances into wildly successful careers. These people didn’t let (literally) anything or anyone stop them from pursuing their dreams and making the world a better place in the process.

While hearing their true inspiring stories, you’ll learn how to…

  • Reframe your own perceived flaws and limitations so they actually fuel your success (rather than hinder it)
  • Start honoring–and showing the world–who you are, exactly as you are 
  • Unpack your thoughts and feelings around everything from your appearance to your childhood–and how they’re affecting your business and confidence
  • Ditch impostor syndrome so you can stand out and make waves (and money!) with way less fear
  • And lots more!

PLUS! You’ll receive a transformational workbook to help you dive deeper into their stories–and your own!–so you can apply these game-changing lessons to your own life and business for big results.

Tell me, what would it mean for your business (and life) if you…

  • Felt confident sharing your message and your face on camera, with zero qualms?
  • Could gracefully and confidently handle haters, naysayers and even the most intense backlash like a true #boss?
  • Boldly claimed your unique experiences, story, appearance, and expertise, day in and day out, during every client or colleague interaction?
  • Finally put your BS aside and quit sleeping on the successful business you truly desire?

I’m gonna bet it’d be a total game-changer. And honestly, that’s just scratching the surface of what can happen once you start truly playing big!

While I’d never overpromise, what I can say is that this training openly reveals the secrets of eight incredible humans–and entrepreneurs–who achieved incredible success despite (sometimes) seemingly impossible odds.

They come from various industries, backgrounds and walks of life. But they all have one things in common: They bet on themselves–despite obstacles of all sizes–and won.


I hope when you hear their stories, they serve not only as a jolt of much-needed inspiration, but deep validation that it’s possible to go big and make a living with your gifts & genius, too–no matter what.

Also, I know you can easily find about a thousand articles titled, “10 inspiring people” with a quick Google search.

That’s why I wanted to take this training a level deeper. (Okay, several layers!)

This training & workbook was created specifically for coaches like you–not just anyone on the Internet doing a Google search.

I know what it’s like to feel different, to feel undeserving of success because of what you look/sound like and to wonder if you can truly do what you desire due to circumstances outside your control.

And after studying the lives of these inspirational people–not to mention watching it play out in my and my clients’ lives–I know none of that has to stop you from achieving your wildest, most out-there dreams.

Join me inside this training & you’ll learn how to apply these incredible lessons to your own life and business, and finally go big as a result. (Whatever ‘going big’ looks like for you!)

Trust me: No matter what you look like, where you come from or what you believe about yourself right now, you can still become successful. 

In fact, you deserve to. 

The world needs more people to show up and share from all backgrounds, with different appearances, accents and ideas. 

Don’t waste another moment hiding your true self and making excuses for not going after your big dreams.

Let’s do this, shall we?

See you on the inside!


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