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Tarot Readings

Tarot Readings

We could all use some external guidance sometimes. Maybe you are highly intuitive, you have a connection to your spirit guides already and know many different ways to receive guidance but for some reason, things feel foggy. If you’d like an objective, neutral and external opinion, I would love to assist you with a card reading. These are ideal to receive some clarity and perspective about what’s going on in your life at the moment.

You could benefit from a reading if:

If you feel lost in an area of your life (love, finances, health or purpose)

If you are contemplating major life decisions and would like guidance

If you are ready to take your life to a whole new level and want to know how

If you have an intuitive hunch about your love, finances, health or purpose and you want to verify or confirm your insights

If you want a general overview of how things are doing

If you’d like to know about the potential hidden in a new business venture, romantic relationship or adventure

If you have always wondered what it would be like to receive a reading

If you simply want to receive some guidance about the energies available for you and how to make the most of them.

If you are contemplating leaving your job, relationship or country and would like to receive guidance


Frequently asked questions

If this is the first time you get a card reading and you’re not sure how it works, don’t sweat it. I’ve got you covered. Through the teeny introduction below, you’ll be more than ready to go.

In the energy realms, time and space work differently. By using your full name and powerful intention setting, the tarot reading can be just as accurate, independent of where we are on the globe. No matter how far we may be from each other, the tarot reading works just the same.


I would like you to have a recording of your reading so you can review it over and over again if needed. Audio and written formats can be examined over and over again as the months go by. I use a seven-day period to make sure your reading goes out with the best energy. I don’t like to do the readings if I’m stressed out or tired because my energy might influence the wording I use, so the seven-day period will assure you have the best reading possible.


In the “Shaman” Tarot Reading, I will be reviewing your cards and looking for energy blockages within your energy system. If you choose this option, you will receive additional guidance to provide for the work to be the best it can be. We will communicate through email, and I will be letting you know around what date and time I’m planning to do the healing/reading so you can be ready for it. You may feel, at that time, energy moving inside of you and if the blockages are strong, there’s a possibility for headaches and a bit of energy lag to happen. You will be receiving more guidance through email if this is the choice you make.


Nope, so sorry. Fees are not refundable on personalized services due to the time investment.

These readings are not intended to work as predictions. These readings have the beautiful mission to assist you and help you feel more comfortable in your life. We always remind you, at the beginning of every tarot reading that you are the empowered creator of your life and if there’s anything in the future that you don’t love, you are completely and entirely capable of changing this by making the informed decision on your present moment.


Me, Katie McLaughlin. It would be very special to share this with you and assist you on your journey. (If you’d like to know more about my path, check it out here. If you’d like to know if we would have a good chemistry, see my video readings and see if you like my style.)


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