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Welcome home. This is a sacred space I've created for all awakened seekers looking for goodies that aim to fill our soul with inspiration, passion and peace.

I’m a lightworker, shamanic practitioner, yogi, surfer and adventurous soul. My mission is to help YOU. To help all seekers find what is it that their soul is longing for, help them get it and most importantly enjoy it. I’m the person you go to if you want to find your own voice, your own passions and path while having the most fun. To stop being who others want you to be and become who you really are inside. Your happiest, most authentic and vibrant self. Unapologetically.


Sometimes we unconsciously allow our inner voice to be ignored. Reasons like exterior conditioning, expectations of loved ones, fear and limiting beliefs make this happen without us realizing it. I can help you rebuild your whole life based on your real dreams and most authentic passions. I would love to help you understand that inner voice that’s asking you for more. I am here to tell you that your wildest dreams, those which you haven’t even dared to consider as a possibility, can be real. I’m here to assist you and mentor you through your spiritual awakening.


Not only can be real but can enter your life quickly and easily once we learn how to get out of our own way.  That’s where I come in. I will teach you to unveil what is it that you dream, what is your life purpose, what to do to reach your goals and become connected, vibrant and AUTHENTIC. Authentically happy. My intention is for this community to support you in your spiritual awakening and assist you become the most powerful version of yourself. 

You know, your inner “awakened wild child”.

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My story? Well, I basically lived in autopilot, allowing life to happen to me instead of taking charge, until the moment in which the Universe shook me hard enough. I opened my eyes and realized, I found myself in a life which, honestly, seemed like someone else had picked for me. I had taken a part in every decision yet all I did was listen to others opinions of what my life should be. It felt like waking up from a bad dream in which, apparently, I had decided to become an architect. Woke up in the midst of it all and decided it was all wrong. Even though I felt very blessed, that life was not my own. I took charge and re-did my life. Now, I feel very different, I feel fulfilled.

I followed my soul’s wisdom and calling and became a shaman. Well, the modern yet soulful city version of a shaman. I learned to heal myself and others began asking for tips. Before I knew it, I found myself helping a LOT of people through my experience and, well, here we are. It has grown into this beautiful online community and business. Now, I still help others but in many different ways. Through the online courses and products in this website, I aim to spread consciousness and assist in the process of spiritual awakening while encouraging everyone to enjoy life to the fullest through a “wild” or adventurous approach to routine and business.


“I am a firm believer that there’s many paths one can follow to find happiness. I also believe we should all choose what resonates with us. I have created my own method merging all of those things that made my soul sing. Through Yoga, Shamanism & Metaphysics I’ve manifested a life which feels sacred to me, which I honor and LOVE from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to bed & in between (Most of the time haha as much as my humanity allows) I want you to achieve the happiness I have achieved, even more so, in your own way, through your own passions and kick ass at life.” – Katie McLaughlin


I never even knew what shamanism was before life offered me this sacred gift. I started studying the Wheel of Medicine in Panama City. After the year long training and a lot of sweat, blood and tears, I continued my studies in Australia, Bali, Sedona and Peru

In Australia I got certified as a Kahuna Bodyworker which is a form of massage therapy originated in Hawaii from Hawaiian Shamans and the Puna philosophy. In Peru I was initiated by the Q’ero shamans and received their original initiatory rituals or “karpays”, included a powerful healing baptism in the “Otorongo Macho” Lagoon. Through the instruction, I continue to share my perspectives and personal truths

During my travels to Bali and Sedona, I had the blessing to encounter, share and learn from local shamans and their own personalized view of healing and spirituality. Safe to say I have had so much fun learning about this ancient wisdom for modern day masters. Very grateful.


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I am a yogi. This means I try to be as conscious and aware as I can about my life, my decisions and my thoughts. As I yogi I´ve learned that there´s nothing more important in life than being happy and that there´s always room for improvement.  Being positive, present, grateful and patient is the only way to go.  I pursued yoga as a career as I got my 200HR RYT Certificate in Hawaii.

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